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BoatsBazar and Boats and Charters - is a listing and Boats and Charters directory, where professional merchants but also private sellers connect with buyers from around the world. If you are a seller, you can add listings in few seconds, and if you are a buyer you can search listings to find your dream object!
Search by keywords or by a location.

You can also browse our web directory.

BoatsBazar Prices and Services
We offer unique business, and e-commerce listing services, with our site you can list your objects for sale in an easy way, and you can go on Internet in few minuts, we have thousand visitors every day which search to buy something.

If you are a seller, you can list your objects, signing up into our site and taking advantage of our Free Trial period, for new users the lenght of the trial period is about unlimited time, we are a free service for now!

You can increase your chances of visibility by using our site, because on our site every listing is statically linked into the site, and we are visible and spidered by the biggest search engines such Google, Altavista, Teoma, Yahoo, MSN, Lycos, HotBot, Virgilio, IL Trovatore, MotoreItaliano.

We also are added in international directories such as Dmoz, Yahoo and we are linked to hundreds of other sites, and every day we work to rise the visibility of this site.

We are an Internet Service Provider, and our job isn't selling, but helping you to sell online, we offer Internet Services for Business people, so we don't take any commission charge for our services. We offer a full hosting service for your listings, as well as many advanced and pay services for people which require more visibility for their listings.

You can sign up and add your listing for free for an unlimited trial period months, after this period of if you want more advanced services, you can order or activate pay services. After the trial period however your listing isn't deactivated, you will receive enquiries but they will be masked, and you will be able to answer only if you activate a pay service or if the buyer activate a membership service, to be sure to contact you. In other words, also if you don't pay after the free trial period, you will be able to receive enquiries with full info from very interested buyers.

However we suggest to activate a pay service to be sure to contact all your potential buyers.

If you will choose to activate a pay service, there will many options, every service has own characteristics and advantages, you can choose them studing your statistics.

We have these services:

"BoatsBazar Montly Flat Fee" - you pay a montly fee for all your listings, this means your listings will have full info visible until you will have prepayed montly fee credits. With this service, your listings will be displayed on the top of our lists, so they will have more visibilty in our site and in search engines. The cost for this service is 20 Euro +IVA 20% per 1 month, with no minimum order.

"BoatsBazar Prepayed Clicks" - you pay for a certain number of clicks, this means your listing will have full info visible until you will have prepayed impression credits. Clicks generated from search engine agents or automatic agents, will be not calculated, only clicks from real human user will be counted. The cost for this service is 20 Euro +IVA 20% per 2000 clicks.

"BoatsBazar Prepayed Impressions" - you pay for a certain number of impressions, this means your listing will have full info visible until you will have prepayed impression credits. Impressions generated from search engine agents or automatic agents, will be not calculated, only impressions from real human user will be counted. The cost for this service is 20 Euro +IVA 20% per 20000 impressions.

We also offer a Membership Service for buyers:

"Buyer Silver Membership" - if you are a buyer and you want to be sure to reach and contact the seller, this is the service for you, with this service you will be able to contact the seller in a direct way. This membership allow you to contact up to 10 sellers in a day. The cost for this service is 20 Euro +IVA 20% per year.

"Buyer Gold Membership" - if you are a buyer and you want to be sure to reach and contact the seller, this is the service for you, with this service you will be able to contact the seller in a direct way. This membership allow you to contact up to 25 sellers in a day. The cost for this service is 60 Euro +IVA 20% per year.

We also offer other services, to have the own listing more visible, or other services for professional merchants and sellers:

"BoatsBazar Silver Listing" - your listing will be displayed in home page, in a random way, in one of the 5 medium spaces, on the center or on the bottom 4 spaces. The cost for this service is 30 Euro +IVA 20% per month.

"BoatsBazar Gold Listing" - your listing will be displayed in home page, in a random way, in one of the 2 big spaces in home page, on the left or on the right. The cost for this service is 40 Euro +IVA 20% per month.

"BoatsBazar E-Merchant Platform" - if you are a merchant or an e-shop and you need a web site to have more visibility, this is the offer for you, with this service you will have a self customizable site with your second level domain, and your style and graphic model, hosting service is included, and the platform includes also statistics and free e-mail assistance for the configuration, and also with this service you will have also a flat service for all your listings, this means your listings will be fully visible also on LiBazar site. The cost for this service is 200 Euro +IVA 20% per year.

[ ROME - 11/February/2025 19:02:44 ] We have 331 objects listed. Yesterday traffic on boatsbazar and charters Boats and Charters was: unique visitors with page views.

We accept, payments through bank wire, western union and credit cards with PayPal or Bankpass: PayPal Gateway Bankpass Gateway Visa Card MasterCard American Express Diners Card Jcb Credit Card PostaPay Maestro Pago Bancomat Free thumbnail preview by

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BoatsBazar and is a worldwide and international Boats and Charters and listings directory, with thousands of Boats and Charters listings, divided into countries and regions. All material, the structure, and the layout on this site are © Copyright of boatsbazar and by C. Giovanni located in Trento N. 74 Pal. I Street in Pagani(Salerno) - Italy. Italian Business Code: Partita IVA N. IT03972320653, registered in the "Camera di Commercio" of Salerno.

BoatsBazar and is one the C. Giovanni projects, started on 20 July 2005, and online since 20 August as a Boats and Charters platform for listings, mainly operating on the Italian and American/English market in the Internet, boatsbazar and charters would like to become the point of referiment for home sellers and home buyers, a site where private owners or professional merchants can have the possibility to show their offers to the world. boatsbazar and is only one of the Giovanni Ceglia's sites. Everyday Giovanni Ceglia works to improve new Internet tools and services for online marketing and business. boatsbazar and will become the biggest portal for Boats and Charters business and investments online.